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Tell them what to expect…

To me it’s so obvious that you should tell people what to expect but it doesn’t seem to be so for the staff in any of the care homes I’ve worked in or my mum has resided in. When a resident needs help eating the staff feed them but they never tell them what to expect. Sometimes when I’m visiting my mum and the staff are busy I’ll feed a nearby resident – I always get them to eat a lot more than the care staff do. I’m sure it’s because I tell them what I’m putting in their mouth – what they’re abut to to eat. How many times have you been to a hospital for a procedure and no-one tells you how it’s going to be so you have no idea what to expect so you’re all tense and nervous which makes the whole thing a whole lot worse?

I would argue it’s the same with clients in pretty much any business. If I’m going to coach someone I’ll explain to them how I suggest it works – how often we connect and the amount of work they have to do in between times. If I’m invited to help a business owner with their marketing I’ll explain how I work. In that particular example I always start from their business strategy – often smaller business owners don’t have any strategy but unless you do how do you know what marketing initiatives you need to take in order to be cost effective?

What do YOU think?

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