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Marketing your Live Events

Putting a list of your seminars up on your website and referring to this on your FB page and LinkedIn status is not likely to sell you many tickets unless you have a tight group of local people following you and in neede of your workshop or seminar.. If you sell through Eventbrite then anyone looking for such an event or training session will check on Eventbrite and find you. If they do a key word search in Google they are unlikely to find you.

Here are some other marketing suggestions for you to consider:

  • Get the venue to help in the marketing – after all it’s promo for them too – but … be sure to stay in control of the marketing
    • write the flyer they can put in reception
    • write the blurb they put on their website
    • write a short article for their newsletter
  •  if it’s a venue that does a lot of classes and produces  a brochure find out if they’ll produce the next one in time for your event to be included – if yes then write a description of the event
  •  if they regularly have classes that attract your target clients negotiate setting up a welcome table so that you can talk to people about your event
  • once you agree with your venue what marketing materials they’ll distribute and where they’ll do  some promo make sure you check to see that the e-mails are sent, the fliers are put out, the newsletter is created, etc. Don’t assume that just because they said they’d do it that the tasks will get done.
  • produce some flyers and distribute them in local cafés, at the library, the community centre, the local sports centre, lwyers offices, dentists offices, spas – the  places where your target client are likely to be. make sure they grab the attention and provide all the details – name of event, day, time, venue, what people will get by attending, a photo of you and a brief bio
  • contact the local press and radio especially if you have a back story that makes you newsworthy or if your why is likely to resonate with them
  • promo your event on your LinkedIn status and on local LinkedIn groups that you belong to and are active in

The secret to marketing success is to be very clear on who your target clients are so that you are sure to be offering what they want, at a venue they are willing to go to, at a price they are willing to pay and that you reach out to them in the right place using the right messages.


No-one wants to speak to empty chairs – right ?!