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The Great Mousetrap Fallacy

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said “If a man can make a better moustrap than his neighbor, though he builds his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door”.

Emerson O.B. Winters made the insightful reply “The manufacturer who waits for the world to beat a path to his door is a great optimist. But the manufacturer who shows this ‘ to ‘mousetrap’ to the world keeps the smoke coming out of his chimney.”

In other words people need to know about your ‘mousetrap’.

What are YOU doing to get YOUR  ‘mousetrap’ noticed ?

Have you produced a marketing plan for YOUR business ?

Here are just some of the things you could be considering:

  • Sharing helpful information in your Facebook status and in your tweets
  • Having a blog, writing posts that are relevant to your target clients and promoting your posts on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In
  • Commenting on blog posts by the people whose blogs attract a lot of traffic from your target clients
  • Having your own channel on YouTube and making short videos so that people can get to know you and your products or services – you can then promote them on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In
  • Writing articles and posting them to sites such as Ezine Articles and again promoting them on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In

All of these ideas work as well for an off line business as an online business.

My challenge to you: come up with 10 things you could be doing to promote your ‘mousetrap’ and then pick four and action them !

If you want to read more about article marketing read my post on The Power of Articles.